The Georgia Public Safety Training Center offers public safety personnel in Georgia the highest quality training programs taught by the best instructors, at little to no cost to local agencies. Additionally, our central location, on-site amenities and premier facilities make GPSTC the best choice when it comes to public safety training.
Through its training divisions, GPSTC has been educating public safety personnel longer than any other institution in Georgia. We have a proven track record of providing our students with the skills that public safety agencies are looking for in new hires as well as the training classes that public safety professionals need to advance in their careers or earn specialized certifications. In short, if you’re looking to become the best police officer, firefighter, 911 operator, jail or rescue officer possible, you should get your training at GPSTC.
GPSTC is home to the Georgia Fire Academy, the Georgia Police Academy, the Basic Training Division and the Instructional Services Division, which together offer the most authentic, real-world public safety training available in the entire state. Additionally, we offer the highest quality instructor training and an ever-expanding selection of online training modules. Other facilities may try to replicate the training offered at GPSTC, but nothing will prepare you for a rewarding career in public safety like the Georgia Public Safety Training Center!