Main Numbers
Phone: (478) 993-4000
Fax: (478) 993-4297
Begin Your Public Safety Career
Become a Police Officer: (478) 993-4622
Become a Firefighter: (478) 993-4670
Become a Jail Officer: (478) 993-4622
Become a 911 Dispatcher: (478) 993-4670
Student and Customer Service
Registration/Registrar’s Office: (478) 993-4342
Student Records and Transcripts: (478) 993-4342
Agency Records and Transcripts: (478) 993-4342
Barracks and Lodging: (478) 993-4491
Conference Center & Catering: (478) 501-3184
Facilities & Scheduling: (478) 993-4342
Print Shop: (478) 993-4245
Agency Direct Billing: (478) 993-4403
Public Safety Memorial Wall: (478) 993-4405
Accounts Payable: (478) 993-4446
Accounts Receivable: (478) 993-4403
Cafeteria: (478) 993-4420
Training Divisions
Registrar’s Office: (478) 993-4342
Basic Training Division: (478) 993-4622
Regional Academies (multiple listings)
Georgia Police Academy: (478) 993-4467
Georgia Fire Academy: (478) 993-4670
Instructional Services Division: (478) 993-4211
Online Training: (478) 993-4211
Instructor Training: (478) 993-4399
Administrative Offices
Office of the Director: (478) 993-4405
Human Resources: (478) 993-4417
Information Technology: (478) 993-4425
Support Services: (478) 993-4425
Food Services: (478) 993-4420
Physical Plant: (478) 993-4348
Procurement: (478) 993-4662
Accounting: (478) 993-4419
Fiscal Services: (478) 993-4427
Media Inquiries
Public Information: (478) 993-4416
Social Media: (478) 993-4637
Open Records: (478) 993-4416
Resident Agencies
Justice Federal Credit Union: (703) 480-5300 Ext. 42401
Al Burruss Correctional Training Center: (478) 994-7511
Georgia Bureau of Investigation: (478) 993-4601
Department of Natural Resources: (478) 993-4540
Georgia State Patrol: (478) 993-4531
Georgia Emergency Management Agency: (404) 624-2262
DPS Motor Carrier Compliance Division: (478) 993-4964
Georgia Firefighters Standards and Training: (478) 993-4521
Department of Community Supervision: (404) 416-3065
Department of Juvenile Justice: (478) 993-4660
Central Georgia Region EMS: (478) 993-4990
Main Campus Address
1000 Indian Springs Drive, Forsyth, GA 31029
Regional Locations
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