GPSTC’s instructors are the best of the best. The faculty at GPSTC is unmatched in their classroom ability and devoted to the most advanced instructional methods to develop the most highly qualified public safety officials possible. GPSTC instructors follow best practices, are up-to-date on the latest trends in the public safety profession, and stay current on emerging issues within their respective fields.
In addition to our exceptional staff of full time faculty, GPSTC recruits the most skilled and highly trained public safety professionals in the state to serve as adjunct instructors.
Basic Training Division
Ara Baronian, Division Director
Instructors in the Basic Training Division teach the basic mandate programs required by Georgia law to become a peace officer or jail officer. Instructors in this division are some of the most highly trained professionals in their field as those that teach Basic Mandate Law Enforcement are required to hold five POST instructor certifications and teach up to 46 different subjects within the 810-hour program.
Georgia Police Academy
Ray Ham, Division Director
Instructors in the Georgia Police Academy (GPA) teach specialized and advanced law enforcement courses to Georgia’s in-service officers. GPA Instructors are considered subject matter experts in their respective disciplines and are often recruited to teach at locations throughout the state and on a national level.
Georgia Fire Academy
Ike McConnell, Division Director
Instructors in the Georgia Fire Academy (GFA) teach both basic and advanced courses to all of Georgia’s fire safety personnel and 911 communications officers. GFA instructors are considered subject matter experts in multiple aspects of fire service and telecommunications.
Instructional Services Division
Hal Braswell, Division Director
Instructors in the Instructional Services Division (ISD) teach and coordinate GPSTC’s online training, the Georgia Public Safety Resiliency Program, Leadership and Instructor Training, and Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Training. ISD instructors are subject matter experts in instructional design and delivery. This group of highly trained education specialists also assist with curriculum development and research.