During the calendar year 2023, the Georgia Public Safety Training Center phased out Supervision Levels 1-3 and has integrated the curriculum into an 8-day training course that meets Georgia POST standards for the Supervisory Certification, entitled “Leadership In Public Safety: Theory and Practice” which allows supervisory students to get all their training in one stop.

This course lays the foundation for our next generation of leaders to become successful supervisors. The completion of this course provides the student with the knowledge and skills needed and used by a first-line supervisor. Leaders today are expected to have technical and professional competence in their jobs as well as competence in interpersonal relations. Students will participate in groups, open-forum discussions, and complete multiple reading assignments and projects to further their understanding of the learning objectives. This class covers the following topics: Transition to Supervisor, Productivity, Effective Communication, Ethics, Authority, Professionalism, Managing Performance, Developing People, Liability, Leadership and Motivation, Active Engagement, and Stress Management for Supervisors.

The Leadership in Public Safety: Theory and Practice class is now added to the calendar on the GPSTC website. 

Click here to read more about the new course offering.