On July 24-25, the GPSTC will be hosting a 16-hour course that examines Islamist Ideology and how it relates to the mission of law enforcement officers.

The program provides attendees with an in-depth look at the four stages of the domestic radicalization process of “lone wolves” and independent cells based upon research conducted by the New York City Police Department and many others since 9/11 and the measures local law enforcement officials may use to effectively deal with the various Islamic threats to subvert our Constitution.

The course will also present information on how to distinguish between the protected religious Pillars of Islam from the non-protected practices of fundamentalist Muslims and how to distinguish between peaceful Muslims from those who seek to subvert our Constitution through the activities of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States and their five stage plan for imposing Shar’ia law in our country.

In addition, attendees will have a better understanding of the various conflicting messages of Islamic theology; the historical roots that serve as its foundation; the key principles that govern how Islam should be understood; the evolutionary development of Jihad; and the major elements of Shar’ia law.

This course is intended for current federal, state and local law enforcement agents.

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