*For those that can make it on the first day, Monday, October 24th, we ask that you sign in at the registration table located in the GPSTC Main Academic Building Atrium, just adjacent to the auditorium.  The registration table will be open from 0700 to 0800 for students to confirm their class locations and times.  At 0800 on Monday in the Auditorium, Director Chris Wigginton will make opening remarks and welcome everyone to the Expo before students are released to their detailed sessions.

Thank you for registering for the 2022 Active Shooter Expo (October 24-27, 2022). Please select which sessions you would like to attend from the following schedule. Failure to do so may result in your desired session being filled prior to your selection request. Tuition has been “waived” for all attendees. Some courses are only available for Law Enforcement Officers.